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Haroon Al Rasheed Characters
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 King Haroon Al Rasheed & the characters in his court lived in 9th century Baghdad setting the foundations of the Abbasid Empire, the Islamic Golden Age. I designed the characters of the animated pitch, with a focus on historically appropriate costumes.
The Adventures of Peach & Mr Crumbs
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I developed the characters & created environment visualizations for this animated show pitch
Peach is a 10 year old African American girl who grew up in the US South in the 90s. She lives with her dad & grandma, and she loves to play with her kitty Mr Crumbs. Peach has a very active imagination, and she goes on adventures with Mr Crumbs fulfilling their quests around Gramma's home & backyard.
El Wasta card game
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Monopoly like card game based in the middle east that illustrates the effects of nepotism. I I created characters for El Wasta card game."El Wasta" is arabic for nepotism. The action cards are five characters based in Saudi Arabia. Each character allows the player to demand coins, give away coins, miss turns or other. Characters are labelled "El-Cash" the rich guy, "El-Daboos" the spy, "El-Faza'a" the lawyer, "El-wasel" the well-connected and "El-hamoor" the stocks broker. I designed the characters and cards for the game
Kodi the Coder
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I created character designs for an animated pitch for Warner Media in collaboration with My Animation Life & Lifted Wings Studio. Kodi is a 12 old wiz-kid who has invented the world’s most sophisticated A. I. technology.
Shaping Our State
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Designed & set up characters for Shaping our State series funded by the Blackburn Institute at the University of Alabama and the Daniel Foundation of Alabama through the Daniel Community Scholars Program, with plans to expand its reach in the coming years to engage, empower and encourage the next generation of Black women leaders across the US
Fishing Trip
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I created a 3D animated student film during my time in Vancouver Film School. I designed the characters & the set. Then using Autodesk Maya, I 3D modelled the characters & set, animated the characters, lit up the scene, rendered it & composited the final film
Love Floats
Character design for a client's animated short "Love Floats"
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Zeego Potato Chips
Character designs for Egyptian potato chips company "Zeego"
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